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Tuesday 7th February Got up around 8am and had fruit and biscuits for breakfast. Started packing and tidying everything away. By the time we’d done everything it was around 9.40. Les went down to cafe to get take-away coffees before we set off. Finished coffees and went down to Reception to check out, went outside and got a cab immediately. Road layout has changed outside the Hertz depot and the side road alongside the building is now a cul-de-sac so the cab drop off was much easier. Paperwork went without hitch and for once we’d (almost) got the car we ordered - another Toyota Kluger rather than a Ford Territory, but at least it’s not a Tarago. Collected it as usual from the 6th basement floor of the multi-storey. Very eerie as the basement walls are simply the natural rock and were running with water. Immediately hit traffic queue which delayed us for 10-15 minutes. Finally cleared the traffic and were on the main highway. Fairly easy driving. Stopped somewhat reluctantly at the Red Rooster/McDonalds services as there’s no option other than driving off into one of the towns. Had coffee and shared a pastry at McDonalds but at least we were able to log on to the free wifi and check emails. Carried on through the steady drizzle which had been falling all morning. Started to climb up into the mountains.
Lots and lots of roadworks on the final stretch up to Katoomba but made it only 5 minutes later than the original satnav estimate, arriving at 2.10pm. Mike was waiting at his place in Lurline St. He showed us where to park at the back of the house and then we left our luggage and walked to his current house round the corner. Had tea and sat and chatted for quite a long time. We then went with Mike to the shops where we bought our dinner in Coles - Basa fillets and prawns. Not sure if Mike thought we were being polite - the Basa fillets appeared to be the cheapest fish on sale. We explained that we like them but they’re quite uncommon in England.
Mike dropped us off at the house and went back to his place while we sorted out our luggage etc including putting the picture in the frame which looks terrific. Went back to Mike & Yvonne’s at about 4.30. Sat down with a beer and just chatted until Yvonne got home just before 6pm. Showed Mike and Yvonne the photo and it took Yvonne some time to realise that it had been photoshopped (Mike already knew). Mike then cooked dinner and we carried on chatting and drinking and eating until we came back home around 9.15pm. Went more or less straight to bed. |
Wednesday 8th February Woke around 7am and finally got up around 8am. Breakfast of banana followed by delicious fruit toast and coffee. Mike came around about 10am and we set off initially with the intention of going to Lithgow where Robyn was looking after grandson Eamon while Carly is on a residential course. Part way there Mike decided that it might be better if we all went out so he phoned Robyn and arranged to meet in Mt Victoria. We met up and had a coffee in the hotel before setting off in convoy to Mt Tomah Botanical Gardens.
Walked round the gardens which are very well kept, but a bit difficult for Les as they are on a steep slope (the side of the mountain). Inevitably the rain started to get harder and we made our way back out - it dried up and started to get warm as we left but Les had had enough anyway by this time. On the return journey to Mt Victoria we did a side trip to Mt Wilson. This is an area of large estates mainly owned by wealthy Sydneysiders. We couldn’t understand what was going on as there were lots of people in high-vis clothing and dozens of large trucks. We then came across lots of beautiful vintage American cars parked along the roadside. Eventually at the far end of the village it became apparent that this was all to do with filming and when we asked we were told they were filming the Great Gatsby, with Leonardo de Caprio starring.
As we drove back to
the main road we stopped and took some pictures of the cars. One
lady dressed in costume tried to tell Les that photography was
prohibited but when Les asked what law he was breaking she simply
walked off. Another man was much more forthcoming. He was the owner
of one of the cars and said that all the vintage car owners were
being paid to have their vehicles there and they themselves were
dressed in suitable period costume. He was obviously having the time
of his life and having told us everything, he then told us that he’d
had to sign a confidentiality
At Mt Victoria Robyn and Eamon left us to go back to Lithgow as Eamon had fallen asleep in Robyn’s car. We went onto Blackheath where we stopped for tea at a place that was a combined cafe (at the front) with a large antique shop behind. Very interesting and we spent some time looking round before setting off back to Katoomba. Got back to Mike’s at about 5.30 and Yvonne arrived home from work about two minutes later. Spent a brief time on the internet, mainly checking banks etc. Walked back to Lurline St and had a brief rest and changed before Mike and Yvonne picked us up about 6.30. We were going to eat in the town but in the end it became extremely funny. Restaurant one, Avalon, had a sign saying it was closed for the evening because of illness. Number two - the pub opposite - didn’t have anything suitable for Anne. Number three - the Savoy - looked hopeful but as we were looking at the menu a couple came out and warned us not to bother, listing a number of faults including dirty kitchens. Number four - a Chinese - was also closed for the evening. There were two passable looking cafe restaurants but both had live music. We got back in the car and drove up to Leura to the Alexandra Hotel which in the end was very nice. Les had a T-bone and Anne had some delicious calamari. Mike and Yvonne were obviously very tired so they dropped us off at our place about 8.45 and went home. We sat and wrote up the diary but decided to leave the photos and postcards for the morning. |
Thursday 9th February Up around 8am. Downloaded yesterday’s photos and wrote family postcards. Les added a detailed bill for Holly to Linda’s card.
Everywhere very crowded - loads of tourist coaches - mainly Japanese. We decided to take the ‘railway’ down and come back on the cable car. The railway wasn’t at all crowded given the number of people in the Visitor Centre. We think most people simply take the trip on the Skyway gondola. We got straight on and went down. We’d forgotten exactly how steep the railway was - it feels as though you’re going down vertically. Of course it was quite misty so we couldn’t really get any clear pictures of the views. We decided to do the walk out to Katoomba Falls rather than just take the 10 minute boardwalk to the Cable Car base. This was a bit of a struggle especially for Les with the steps. Also it was extremely muddy in places and we didn’t have the best shoes on for this, as we hadn’t anticipated any muddy walks so hadn’t packed decent walking gear.
Nevertheless, it was
lovely when we got to the Falls which were Back to the Railway base station and took the boardwalk to the Cable Car. This was new to us as the Cable Car wasn’t there when we last rode the Railway. Interesting walk showing you the old mine office and the mine ventilation system. Again there were surprisingly few people waiting to go back up on the Cable Car. Interesting views as we went back up - especially of the Three Sisters as the mist had cleared briefly. Back at the top we grabbed a quick snack in the café as the time was getting on. We shot back to the house as Anne’s camera battery had run low and we hadn’t packed a spare. We then did a little tour going down the Megalong Valley. At one point two wallabies came across the road in front of us. They dived into the roadside woods and stopped about 6 feet from us. Unfortunately it was really difficult to focus on them to get a decent picture and as soon as we’d taken one they bounded off.
Drove back to Katoomba and went into Mike’s house to access the internet. Mike went off to his martial arts class and left us at the house. We downloaded podcasts and the newspaper and caught up with email. We left and went back to Annie’s before Yvonne got home. We had time for a brief rest before picking up Yvonne and going to the Golf Club where we met Mike. This is Yvonne’s weekly quiz night. We were joined by her friend Pam, a real character. The quiz was good fun. We were able to sit in the dining room whilst all the other teams were in the bar. It was quite easy to have our meal while we did the quiz - two rounds of 20 questions each. We were well placed at the end of the first round with 18 out of 20. Unfortunately we didn’t do quite so well on the second round and ended up with 33 out of 40. Given that the winners scored 35 we think we should’ve won having, as usual, talked ourselves out of at least 3 right answers. We did manage to answer a few questions that the rest of our team couldn’t so we must’ve been some help. We left quite early as Pam was off to the Pokies, and went back to Mike’s place for an hour or so before coming back to the house. |
Up around 8am again. Ran out of fruit so just had toast and coffee. As we typed the diary the sun came out for the first time so we may have nice weather for our drive to Canberra. Now going to pack up and leave. Picked up Mike & Yvonne at 10 and drove to Common Ground Cafe in Katoomba, where we had a late breakfast. Said our goodbyes at 11am, and Mike set off to visit his sister and mother. We went into an electrical store and bought a cable to let us play the iPod in the car. Hope to see Mike and Yvonne in the UK later this year. |