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Just 7½ miles away is the picturesque village of Muddlecombe, the home of some of our relatives. Twinned with Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Bhopal, it's a popular spot with visiting tourists. Pevsner describes Muddlecombe as "a large hamlet of 200 odd people", but that's a bit harsh.
Below are a few recent highlights of life in the village
2014 |
Muddlecombe Druids Winter Solstice ceremony was
cancelled last year. |
Although it was entirely unexpected, the late entrant
was clearly the winner |
A heartbreaking picture as our photographer
unknowingly captured the last moments |
2013 |
The Police & Crime Commissioner had been elected on a
‘get tough’ platform, but many people felt that |
Some Muddlecombe lads were embarrassed when they
finally realised that the theme |
An elderly resident was
disappointed on his first visit to London, when he learnt |
2012 |
Muddlecombe’s new Police & Crime Commissioner Nick
Cadaver, strenuously denied that he was |
On its visit to Muddlecombe this year the Time Team programme unearthed this skeleton. Presenter Tony Robinson said "Archaeologists tell us that Muddlecombe Man is short has a very small brain, a poor diet and bad teeth. Sadly they can’t tell us anything about the skeleton yet." |
The new cleaner at Muddlecombe’s public lavatories
proved so good, that after |
A Muddlecombe resident started to wonder whether this
really was |
2011 |
Judges at the annual winter Best Dressed Man Competition were dumbfounded when a stranger barged his way into the group photo. "He was obviously a nutter" a spokesman said. "Not only was he completely unsuitably dressed, but he kept muttering that the pub would be his in a couple of years when his mother passed on" |
Muddlecombe Council denied that the Parking Enforcement Service had become too zealous |
Once again the annual attempt to get Gnomey’s wallet out of his pocket was a failure |
Cleaning led experts to believe that the Squire’s Rape of the Sabine Women, by Poussin, may not be genuine. |
2010 |
Fire Chiefs denied that their new recruit was struggling with the training |
The last picture of the Muddlecombe Colour-Blind Club before the tragic accident. A witness said that one of them shouted "It’s OK, the traffic lights have turned to brown." |
Local astronomer Patrick Less confidently predicted the appearance of a new Comet. It duly appeared, just as he said it would, next door to B&Q. |
Cracked troops from the famous Muddlecombe SBS (Special Boot Service). The parade, led by Commander Cadaver (right), had been called to take delivery of their new armoured fighting vehicle. Unfortunately the Ministry of Defence explained that although initially ordered in 1941 it was still not ready due to numerous design changes. They sent a picture of what the state of the art vehicle will look like when it’s finally finished |
2009 |
Tragedy struck at Muddlecombe Zoo when a visitor completely misunderstood Mrs Gnomey, the owner’s wife, when she suggested he come up and stroke her pussy. |
Doubts were cast on the authenticity of the Squire’s famous Renoir, when cleaning revealed a hitherto unknown figure on the left. |
Muddlecombe was honoured with the issue of a commemorative stamp |
Officials from Muddlecombe Tourist Board were shocked when they were told that the obscure American town of Rushmore had copied the famous Muddlecombe monument. One was quoted as saying "Of course they’ve altered it by portraying people of lasting fame, with great achievements and who made enormous contributions to society, but apart from that it’s just the same as ours." |
2008 |
New stamps showing a photograph of Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Philip were hurriedly withdrawn from sale at Muddlecombe Post Office after a printing error was spotted |
Problems arose on the new Muddlecombe cable car as at least one resident failed to understand what was meant by a ‘step-on step-off’ service |
Muddlecombe Air strenuously denied that they were downgrading their services. |
Muddlecombe Aquarium finally opened its new ‘close encounter’ viewing area. There had been some doubts expressed over safety, but spokesman Mr Elmes said "We don’t think the fish are in any danger at all. Now the Aquarium is open we’re hoping that lots of people will drop in." |
2007 |
Muddlecombe Driving School started its new high speed driving experience course this year. The first pupil said "I’ve certainly learnt my lesson" |
An unfortunate accident at Muddlecombe College of Building. Tutor Mr Cadaver is alleged to have said "We’re going to remove that joist, when I nod my head, cut it off." The shocked student said "It was awful - I had to buy a new saw." |
Shame descended this year on resident Bruce Vandall. He was dismissed from the crew of Muddlecombe’s inshore lifeboat after this picture showed that he wasn’t taking the training exercises seriously enough. |
2006 |
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Officials from the Department of the Environment visited to assure residents that there were no dangers involved in Muddlecombe being chosen as a storage site for nuclear waste. They explained that they will use their time machine to send the waste safely into the future. |
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Muddlecombe’s annual Impersonate a Lemming contest was disappointing again this year. Immensely popular when it was first held, contestants have been fewer every year. The organisers are at a complete loss and said " We cannot understand why entrants are dropping off." |
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A breakthrough in medical treatment happened when Dr Chumm began tests of his revolutionary treatment for diarrhoea. "It’s completely painless." he said, "I put in three trowelsful and I never felt a thing." |
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At last The Duck and Gluepot, Muddlecombe’s second favourite, and indeed only, pub got mentioned in several guide books: "Don’t go within a mile of the place" CAMRA "I was ill for days" The Good Pub Guide "I shall sue" Egon Ronay |
2005 |
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This year’s outing for the residents of the Muddlecombe Home for the Terminally Confused. As in previous years, the mystery coach tour took them to Muddlecombe |
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Scandal in this year’s Miss Muddlecombe contest. The first, second and third placed girls (seen here), were disqualified after a detailed examination. It transpired that they were all married |
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Muddlecombe had a leading role in the Home Secretary’s experiment of making offenders on Community Service wear distinctive clothing. It was stopped after this group were thought to have suffered excessive humiliation |