Sunday 8th June 2014, cont'd
We found our way to the Lake Louise. It was quite crowded but we managed to park and walked the short distance to the Lake. It's still mostly covered in ice. The ice is melting and quite thin near the edge and it was fascinating watching sheets of it flow out of the lake down the river. Managed to photograph a Clark’s Nutcracker. We had a short walk around in front of the Fairmont Chateau Hotel and then returned to the car and drove to Moraine Lake. Quite a long drive and the snow, of which there had been a little around Louise, got deeper with quite a lot of it on the roadside.
Decided to go to Banff via the 1A. (the Bow Valley Parkway) This is really nice - a quiet winding road with very little traffic. The road is quite high above the Bow River and the parallel railway and there were a few viewpoints. Unfortunately the signing is a bit misleading, and instead of staying on the 1A all the way back to Banff we returned to the 1 half way along it. However, as we crossed the river we saw people with cameras, so we parked. They were photographing an Osprey on a tree. Its nest was on top of the bridge truss. Everyone told us there were lots of bears on the 1A, and we must have managed to miss them all.
The only annoyance in our room is that the TV remote doesn’t work. The girl from the front desk came up to investigate, but we don’t think she had any idea of what she was doing. Updated the diary, sorted the photos and sent some emails before going to bed. Did the Sunday Telegraph Prize Crossword and finished the difficult last two clues on the Saturday one and sent both in. |