Quite a good journey to get here.
Started badly though. We got as far as Sandford (two miles from
home) when Anne suddenly realised that her handbag wasn't in the car
so we had a 15-minute set back while we returned for it.
Check in at Heathrow was good and bad. The airline check-in was very quick - we queued for less than 10 minutes. That was the easy bit. There was a very long queue for security but even before that the approach was full of people having to repack their hand luggage to meet the security requirements. Fortunately, Anne had read up on the rules beforehand and we were okay. Having got through the x-ray, etc we thought we were clear to the departure lounge. But then found we had to put our shoes through a further x-ray machine. Fortunately (or well planned) we were both wearing slip-ons so it didn't take too long. After all this we had a nice leisurely meal at Chez Gerrard. We boarded and took off on time. The plane was only half full at most with many people in the window rows having three seats to themselves. The flight was 11 hours 40 mins. After the first (very nice) meal they put the lights out and we both managed to doze on and off until being woken for a second meal two hours before landing. All very uneventful. This was the first time we had flown with Malaysia Airlines and
we'd recommend them to anybody. They have a 34" seat pitch and the
food and service were excellent. Kuala Lumpur International Airport
(KLIA) was on a par with Singapore's Changi Airport for smartness,
cleanliness, efficiency, shopping, etc. However it lacked character
and didn't have the nice things that Changi has, ie the orchid
garden, the carp pools and the extensive rest areas and restaurants.
We had a beer and didn't have long to wait until boarding.
Unfortunately, once we got to the gate they announced a 45-minute
delay. They were spot on with this so it wasn't too bad. The onward
flight was absolutely full. It was the first time we'd flown in a
plane of the 2-5-2 seating arrangement. If we'd known we'd have
asked for window seats. The flight was fairly uneventful and took 6
hours 40 mins. We didn't get too much time to doze after they'd fed
us as they woke us up again for a breakfast snack about two hours
before landing. Quite a lot of turbulence with the seat belt signs
on for much of the flight, but nothing drastic. We got straight through passport control but had quite a long wait for baggage. For some reason we were waved past the customs/quarantine control where everybody else seemed to be having their baggage checked. We had a coffee and snack before collecting the hire car. This is a Ford Territory - not a model you've seen in the UK - a big 4-wheel drive, a bit different from the 'estate car' ('utility' for our Aussie readers) we'd envisaged . We were so busy chatting as we drove that we missed a turn but didn't realise for some time. The upshot of this was that we were a bit later getting to Kerine's than we'd intended. After hellos and a coffee with Kerine and Karen we came over to
the Jackson. Unfortunately, our room wasn't ready. We'd been hoping
for a quick shower and an hour or two Back to the motel by 9.30 and straight to bed. |
As usual we stayed at The Jackson Motor Inn, in Glen Osmond, a few minutes walk from Anne's aunt Kerine. This is really good value - A$70/night for a poolside room. |
We were here for Kerine's birthday - she was 85 on 28th February. We've been out with her for meals and shopping, and spent lots of time chatting and showing her pictures. |
Otherwise, we've taken a few short trips into the Adelaide Hills, been into the City Centre, and out to the coast at Glenelg. |
This is a trial - click here to see a video