Odd places

Home Brittany 2008 Holidays

A few pictures we took as we drove around to other places

We noticed these figures in the front garden of a house. When we stopped to take photos we saw a sign inviting people to come in.

Lots of the roundabouts in this area have really interesting features as part of the landscaping. Unfortunately it’s not always easy to park and take photos.  This one had lots of flat wooden figures of village scenes. These include people playing boules (just below the red flag on the right hand photo).


We went down to the coast to walk out along this isthmus. Lovely sandy beaches all around, and some surfing going on. The local tradition is to build lots of tiny cairns with the local rocks. After a while the local Council knocks them all down, and then everyone starts again.

There was some reluctance to go rock climbing, but I got them up there in the end
The whole area is littered with antiquities - especially dolmans and menhirs - these were in the middle of a field of crops

Home Brittany 2008 Holidays