Monday 5th July

Home Up Sunday 4th July Monday 5th July Tuesday 6th July Wednesday 7th July Thursday 8th July Friday 9th July

Slept well. Were up and ready before Dick & Pam appeared, so walked to the supermarket for the daily bread, and got various other bits. Set off for Carnac after a leisurely breakfast. High speed drive to Lorient, then down to Carnac stopping at Pont Lorois for photos, then in the lovely little town of Erdeven for coffee. Visited church opposite cafe.


Pont Lorois


Stopped at Kerzerho to look at the ‘alignements’, which are a small section of the standing stones (megaliths). Dick & Pam took us a few yards away from the main car park, and we came across a bunch of French nutters who were hugging the stones and laying against them with their eyes closed.


Carried on to Carnac and went into the visitor centre. Decided to do the trip on the land train. Hopped off in Carnac itself after 10 mins, and a lovely late lunch at a cafe overlooking the beach. Quelle horreur - no galettes. Lovely omelettes. Were lucky to get back on the train an hour later as it was very full. Went along to La Trinite and then back though all the stones. After the train journey we went back to the various viewpoints in the car, ending up by climbing up the tower.


We drove north to Auray, and to the adjacent town of Auray St-Goustan, a picturesque old port where Benjamin Franklin spent a night. Had a drink at one of the numerous cafes around the square, then walked around the old narrow streets before returning home.

Auray St-Goustan

All 5th July photos

Home Up Sunday 4th July Monday 5th July Tuesday 6th July Wednesday 7th July Thursday 8th July Friday 9th July